We are an Argentine brand that promotes the production of natural fibers as a way of life in the vast territory, from the Andes to the Atlantic Ocean and from the Puna to Patagonia.

We innovate by incorporating ancestral techniques to bring the essence of our terroir to the world.

We make textile products in collaboration with shepherds who raise domestic animals such as sheep, goats and llamas, and peasant communities that safeguard wild camelid species such as guanaco and vicuña.

The design, technology and marketing actions in our project aim at the valorization and maintenance of the cultural traditions of our varied territory. 

                    We start from unique lots regulated by the agreement for the conservation and management of the vicuña, which guarantees that this emblematic species is a resource for the socio-economic development of the high Andean peoples.

This international agreement ensures the protection and use of the fiber in a gradual manner under controls applied by technicians in the management of wildlife fiber regulated by official agencies.

We process our precious fibers with high technology and with the control and meticulous work of our craftsmen.

We could be defined as a slow technological factory.

Our productions are short series with special designs and controlled processes.

We design, produce and commercialize traceable natural fiber textiles for which we make a careful selection of Patagonian vicuña, guanaco, merino and mohair.

In Jujuy, Salta and Tierra del Fuego, in close collaboration with the Andean communities for the purchase of noble materials, we work in the washing, dehairing and combing.

The production of fancy yarns and dyeing is done in our plant in Luján, province of Buenos

The flat fabrics, accessories and knitted sweaters are made partly in Argentina and partly in Italy, in the Tuscany region.

Since the beginning of the 2000’s we have been dedicated to the processing of camelid fibers together with Italian technological companies, specifically in the Tuscany and Biella region, where we have a company in charge of certification, importation and distribution in Italy.

Our blends of vicuña-Patagonian merino and guanaco-Patagonian merino are unique and elaborated by our experts in Patagonian and Andean fibers.

The PUNA collection is made of dehairing camelid fibers that are fused into a line of luxury yarns.

PUN010 – Llama 60% – Lana 40% (Grueso)
PUN011 – Llama 60% – Lana 40% (Fino)

PUN012 T – Lana 50% – Llama 50%
PUN013 – Merino ultra fina 80% – Vicuña 20%

The TANGO collection is composed of fantasy yarns of natural fibers and Lurex in a night palette that evokes the tango and the lights of the city of Buenos Aires.

TAN010 T – Lana Merino 80% – Lurex20%
TAN011 – Lana 40% – Llama 40% – Lurex 20%
TAN012 – Algodón 80% – Lurex 20%
TAN013 – Lana 80% – Acrílico 20%
TAN014 – Algodón + Lentejuelas

The PATAGONIA collection, wool from merino sheep and mohair goats combine to create a line of yarns of high comfort and quality.

PAT010 – Lana Merino 100%
PAT011 – Lana Merino 80% – Mohair 20%
PAT012 – Lana Merino ultra fina 80% – Guanaco 20%
PAT013T – Lana Merino 100%

Those of us who make Cruz Patagónica are Italo-Argentineans and we work designing, producing, controlling traceability and quality with industry 4.0 processes with the “dignity of man” as our main objective.

We bring together a broad spectrum of professionals who creatively, technically and humanely accompany the production processes from start to finish.

Textile and apparel engineers and designers, sociologists and experts in natural fibers united by a strong commitment to produce high comfort and sustainable quality items to generate a virtuous production chain.